Discovery Pathway
A series of 4 get togethers that will allow you to learn more about the vision and values of Deep Rivers Church and will allow us to learn more about you, your God given gifts/abilities and ultimately how we can partner together to impact lives for eternity.
Week #1
“It’s all about Jesus.” Everyone has things they believe in. We believe in Jesus. On this night you will learn what we believe and our distinctives as a church.
Week #2
“Focus leads to effectiveness.” In this session we discuss our ministry methods, how we manage our finances, and about our church government.
Week #3
“Your design determines your destiny.” God made you unique. We will help you discover your personality, gifts, and see how God combines them to serve His purpose.
Week #4
“Teamwork makes the dream work.” Impacting lives for eternity is what we are all about. Learn how your gifts and talents partnered with Deep Rivers vision can impact lives for eternity.