What to Expect

Expectation is a key word. What are your expectations of church? Sometimes our expectations of church aren’t met because they don’t match up with what we’re looking for. But most of the time, to be honest, our expectations of church are too small. If you want to meet and spend time with the God who can change your life – keep reading.

When we meet on Sundays we will worship, we will hear from God’s Word, and we will pray. All of these things will be done in a warm and casual manner. But above everything else we will be authentic. We will be real. We are going to make a big deal about a loving and gracious God who loves you. We are going to make a big deal about our response to all God has done for us.

If you are a first-time guest, we would love for you to fill out the “Connect Card” that you will receive in your Worship Guide when you arrive. Immediately following the service, take the Connect Card to our Welcome Center and receive a free gift. It’s our way of saying “Thanks for being with us today!” No one will call you or come by your house. We will simply send you a “thank you” letter and tell you what Deep Rivers Church has to offer you and your family should you be interested.